Saturday, December 4, 2010

Fear of Truth....

As kids everyone is naughty and carefree. Many situations come when we do things which bring us in a danger zone and then we  keep on exploiting our minute brains to be safe again....
What can i say about myself...i usually surpassed the limits of mischief. My parents dint have the option to disown me, otherwise i would have definitely been said 'Gudbye" by them. Anyways, after committing any mistake, creating problem, destroying something, in short after having all the fun i would lie so well that even i wouldn't believe that i could ever do anything like that. Even after being taught so many times that "we should not speak lie" ; i would never leave this habit because it was so convenient and easy.

Time kept on passing by but i failed to understand the real sin in speaking lie. i always felt what's the harm when one can be saved while not revealing correct details but still i started to adopt this habit of speaking truth because of pressure by parents and peers. so, juggling with the laws of people; law of good and bad; with my own questions i came in my teen-age where i started to question and reason every possible thing.

One day i was sitting with my grand mom and was having a nice time. She was telling me about her initial stages of life- childhood or marriage. Then, she was giving me advice of being a good person, responsible, truthful etc etc. then i just asked her what is so good about speaking truth???

She just looked at me and smiled....That smile had so many meanings, so much essence.
She just asked me one question-
Would you like to be with a person who is not caring enough to tell you things correctly???
Would you trust that person??? Would you respect that person???

In return of my one question i got Three; but somehow i felt i had got all the answers. Somehow, i got the reason why i should NOW accept this quality from my heart and soul. Truth's truth was in front of me bright and clear.
It was not that these few questions enlightened me ; but the conflict going on inside my head; the rebuttal which was going on with in me ...was calm now. This incident became a reason to satisfy my eagerness to have a stable and just answer.

Even after so many years whenever i am in a fix i just rewind in my head my Grand mom's Talisman and not Gandhi's Talisman(which we all must have read at some point of time in life...)
and the easy part is now i dont have to push myself to speak truth because it comes from within.

And the BEST part about speaking Truth is that I know how much of courage is required to speak, whenever someone confesses something to me...or just simply says it...I Respect it !

I feel that mistake has been overshadowed by the purity of action and hence everything becomes easy.

Trust me...Life becomes easy!!
